‘The more overhype, the harder you fall’: Schrödinger CEO warns on AI craze

When sell-side an­a­lyst Evan Seiger­man was prepar­ing to start cov­er­ing the start­up Schrödinger this spring, he rang up the $3.5 bil­lion biotech’s chief fi­nan­cial of­fi­cer, Ge­of­frey Porges, to get up to speed.

On the phone with Porges, Seiger­man re­ferred to Schrödinger as an AI com­pa­ny. Porges in­ter­rupt­ed him: Schrödinger isn’t an AI com­pa­ny — it’s a pro­pri­etary soft­ware and drug com­pa­ny.

“In my view, that high­light­ed how they think about what they’re do­ing,” Seiger­man, who tracks bio­phar­ma stocks at BMO Cap­i­tal Mar­kets, told End­points News. “They re­al­ly want to be seen as a drug com­pa­ny that al­so has this soft­ware plat­form that de­liv­ers rev­enue.”

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