Théa won’t buy ProQR’s ophthalmic assets; Immunovant’s $130M offering; Inozyme to start pivotal study in October

Pro­QR’s failed di­vesti­ture: Lab­o­ra­toires Théa scrapped plans to buy Pro­QR Ther­a­peu­tics’ late-stage oph­thalmic pipeline af­ter an­nounc­ing a deal in ear­ly Au­gust for €147.5 mil­lion, or about $162 mil­lion. On Wednes­day, Pro­QR said some of its oph­thal­mol­o­gy work­ers de­cid­ed not to join the new com­pa­ny, and as a re­sult, Théa ter­mi­nat­ed the deal. — Jaimy Lee

Im­muno­vant’s $130 mil­lion of­fer­ing: Im­muno­vant’s ear­ly-stage au­toim­mune da­ta, viewed by an­a­lysts as a po­ten­tial cat­a­lyst for a sale or oth­er trans­ac­tion, spurred a ma­jor fi­nanc­ing haul for the New York biotech. It pre­sent­ed da­ta on its an­ti-FcRn IMVT-1402 Tues­day morn­ing. Lat­er that day, it dis­closed plans for a $130 mil­lion pub­lic of­fer­ing and a $170 mil­lion boost from its par­ent, Roivant Sci­ences. — Kyle LaHu­cik

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