Thermo Fisher extends Olink tender offer; Biogen and Ginkgo complete collab; WuXi signs biotech partner for ADCs

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Ther­mo Fish­er is ex­tend­ing its ten­der of­fer to buy Swe­den-based Olink, it an­nounced Thurs­day. The deal is now ex­pect­ed to ex­pire Feb. 29. Ther­mo Fish­er with­drew its orig­i­nal No­vem­ber no­ti­fi­ca­tion, and in­tend­ed to re­file on Jan. 15 this year, ac­cord­ing to an SEC fil­ing by Olink in De­cem­ber. This led the UK’s Com­pe­ti­tion and Mar­kets Au­thor­i­ty to look in­to the ac­qui­si­tion.

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