Theseus goes with Tang; Oncternal trial patient dies; LianBio sells drug rights to J&J

Plus, news on the Im­munome-Atre­ca as­set deal, Nestlé buy­ing CDX-7108 from Codex­is, Onc­ter­nal, Vi­siox and more.

Im­munome ac­quires Atre­ca an­ti­body as­sets: Im­munome will pur­chase an­ti­body-re­lat­ed “as­sets and ma­te­ri­als” from Atre­ca for $5.5 mil­lion up­front and an­oth­er $7 mil­lion in po­ten­tial de­vel­op­ment mile­stones. In a state­ment, CEO Clay Sie­gall said the agree­ment would ex­pand the com­pa­ny’s “tool­box” and com­ple­ment ex­ist­ing pro­grams. — Kather­ine Lewin 

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