Third in line: Editas says it may partner up on commercialization of sickle cell gene therapy

Ed­i­tas Med­i­cine con­tin­ues to churn along in a sol­id third place in the race against blue­bird bio, and part­ners Ver­tex and CRISPR to com­mer­cial­ize the first, po­ten­tial­ly life-chang­ing gene ther­a­py to treat sick­le cell dis­ease.

The Cam­bridge, MA-based biotech said Wednes­day in its quar­ter­ly earn­ings call that it ex­pects to dose about 20 sick­le cell pa­tients and re­lease more da­ta by year’s end. The com­pa­ny’s top brass al­so said it may end up co-com­mer­cial­iz­ing the po­ten­tial­ly mil­lion-dol­lar gene ther­a­py.

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