Tracing Technological Advancements in CKD Treatment and Preventive Care

Jeff Fox, Operating Partner at Chicago Pacific Founders

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) remains a widespread health concern, affecting more than one in seven US adults and posing a substantial burden on healthcare systems worldwide. Fortunately, the convergence of innovative technologies offers promising solutions to address this pressing issue. Such advancements stand to revolutionize how healthcare entities treat, prevent, and better understand this nuanced condition. 

Expanding Treatment

Today, CKD patients benefit from an array of ambitious treatment, preventive care, and risk management options – most of which stem from breakthroughs in related technologies. 

For instance, recent strides in renal replacement technology hold promising implications for transplantation and dialysis patients. A 2023 review of such methods – namely, implantable bioartificial kidneys (BAK) and cellular kidney regeneration – concluded that these techniques “create a fully functioning alternative to long-term dialysis or a donor organ. They improve on previous iterations of renal replacement technology by accomplishing all aspects of normal kidney functionality, while also being fully implantable and autologous to allow patients maximum mobility.”

The review also found that these technologies “may have the potential to address many associated risks of dialysis and kidney transplants, such as potential infections, effects of immunosuppression, and the risk of cancer – specifically renal cancer.” 

Another 2023 study notes comparative potential in the digital and mobile migration of nutritional care models, which can bolster access to such information and facilitate the behavioral adaptation necessary for mitigating CKD. However, the study also acknowledges ongoing barriers associated with care model digitization, underscoring the need for improved efficiency, convenience, and consideration for patients, clinicians, and health systems navigating such a transition for long-term change. 

Additionally, noteworthy developments have arisen within wearable and implantable technology monitoring renal function. These devices provide real-time data on key parameters such as glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and urinary protein levels. By allowing patients and healthcare providers to track kidney function on an ongoing basis, these technologies enable early detection of declining kidney function and timely intervention. This proactive approach can reduce the progression of CKD and lower the risk of complications. Wearable and portable dialysis machines are similarly transformative, creating greater flexibility and independence. These devices are smaller, more efficient, and more user-friendly than traditional dialysis machines, allowing patients to undergo treatment in a more comfortable, familiar setting.

AI-driven predictive analytics are also a powerful asset for preemptive CKD intervention and risk mitigation. These insights have informed ambitious diagnostic initiatives, like that of Signify Health, which, in August 2023, announced an extensive in-home kidney health assessment as part of its Diagnostic and Preventive Services portfolio. This new addition aims to enhance early detection, diagnosis, and management of major causes of kidney-related morbidity and mortality among Medicare Advantage beneficiaries; this includes urinalysis and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), offering vital information to clinicians and members for tailored treatment plans. Options may encompass further testing, lifestyle adjustments, medication, and referrals to nephrologists for co-management.

What’s more, genetic and molecular profiling technologies make it possible to identify genetic markers and pathways associated with CKD progression. This knowledge enables healthcare providers to tailor treatment strategies to each patient’s unique genetic profile, optimizing therapeutic outcomes and minimizing potential side effects. Meanwhile, high-throughput sequencing and omics technologies have enabled researchers to unravel the complex molecular mechanisms underlying CKD. By studying gene expression patterns, epigenetic modifications, and the gut microbiome’s role in CKD, scientists have gained valuable insights into the disease’s etiology and progression. These findings pave the way for the development of novel therapeutics that target specific molecular pathways, potentially leading to more effective CKD treatments.

As healthcare becomes increasingly digital and contingent upon peripheral technological advancement, CKD represents a crucial space where such change can hold vast potential for a vulnerable and often nebulous patient demographic.  

About Jeff Fox

Jeff Fox is a seasoned executive leader currently serving as an operating partner with Chicago Pacific Founders (CPF), a private equity firm focused on thesis- and technology-driven innovation within health services and senior living. For over 30 years, Fox has become adept in developing, administrating, and improving progressive healthcare plans – as well as building market-growth initiatives delivering returns in local and national markets alike.