Trailing Akero and 89bio, Boston Pharmaceuticals posts early data on its NASH injection

In an ear­ly-stage study, Boston Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals’ in­jec­tion re­duced in­di­ca­tors of NASH, a fat­ty liv­er dis­ease. The treat­ment is one of a hand­ful of in­ves­ti­ga­tion­al drugs that mim­ics a growth fac­tor FGF21, putting Boston Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals in a bur­geon­ing race to de­vel­op a treat­ment for a dis­ease where no med­ica­tions are cur­rent­ly ap­proved.

In the Phase IIa study, 102 pa­tients re­ceived ei­ther a once-a-month or bi­week­ly dose of BOS-580 at three dif­fer­ent dosages — 75 mg, 150 mg, or 300 mg — over 12 weeks. Ex­clud­ing pa­tients who got the low­est dose at 75 mg a month, over two-thirds of pa­tients in the oth­er dose groups saw their liv­er fat lev­els cut by at least half, com­pared to 3% of place­bo pa­tients.

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