Trillion-dollar partner: Recursion raises $50M from Nvidia, stock skyrockets

Re­cur­sion Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals raised $50 mil­lion from Nvidia via a PIPE that placed the AI biotech square­ly in­to the in­vestor fer­vor sur­round­ing the tech com­pa­ny.

Re­cur­sion said Wednes­day morn­ing it now plans to work with Nvidia on the soft­ware com­pa­ny’s cloud ser­vice that us­es gen­er­a­tive AI for drug dis­cov­ery. Re­cur­sion brings a mas­sive bio­chem­i­cal dataset through which Nvidia’s drug dis­cov­ery foun­da­tion mod­els can be trained.

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