Turquoise Health raises $30M to use AI to sort through healthcare pricing data

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Turquoise Health, a plat­form that helps users com­pare the price of treat­ments at dif­fer­ent hos­pi­tals, has raised $30 mil­lion to build out AI to help sort through its da­ta.

Through Turquoise’s web­site, in­di­vid­u­als can ac­cess cost-of-care in­for­ma­tion for free. Mean­while, health­care or­ga­ni­za­tions such as hos­pi­tals, in­sur­ers and med­ical de­vice com­pa­nies  pay the start­up to an­a­lyze prices in bulk. Turquoise al­so sells soft­ware to help those clients man­age their con­tracts, and a ser­vice to help clients be com­pli­ant with na­tion­al health­care price trans­paren­cy rules.

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