Twist Bioscience lays off 212 staffers, mostly in San Francisco

Twist Bio­science is lay­ing off 212 em­ploy­ees, ef­fec­tive Ju­ly 3, ac­cord­ing to Cal­i­for­nia WARN no­tices — with 197 of those staffers in San Fran­cis­co.

The syn­thet­ic DNA man­u­fac­tur­er had an­nounced a strate­gic re­struc­tur­ing plan in May that in­cludes lay­ing off 270 em­ploy­ees, or 25% of its work­force, start­ing in its fis­cal third quar­ter.

Twist had $315,196,000 in cash and cash equiv­a­lents as of March 31, with debt of $929,396,000.

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