Two ex-bluebird leaders launch Nvelop with $100M to tackle the biggest problem in gene editing

Nvel­op Ther­a­peu­tics launched Tues­day with $100 mil­lion in seed fund­ing to ad­vance re­search from the gene edit­ing pi­o­neers David Liu and Kei­th Joung, as they try to tack­le the field’s biggest prob­lem.

The Cam­bridge, MA start­up is the lat­est com­pa­ny to seek bet­ter ways to de­liv­er pow­er­ful gene-mod­i­fy­ing tools like CRISPR/Cas9, base edit­ing and prime edit­ing. While these edit­ing sys­tems hold vast po­ten­tial, they’ve been held back by a lack of op­tions to pack­age them and get them to the right places in the body.

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