Two NIAID grants will support research on impacts of climate change on HIV-related health outcomes

Two grants from the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a four-year $3.2 million award and a 12-month $550,000 administrative supplement, will support innovative research to advance the understanding of how climate change and extreme weather influence HIV-related health outcomes around the world.

A CAR-T deal in China; Zevra’s $60M offering

Plus, news about Ar­row­head, Cul­li­nan Ther­a­peu­tics, Cy­to­ki­net­ics, Zen­tal­is, In­ovio and Mind Med­i­cine: Do­mes­tic biotech M&A in Chi­na: North­east Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Group, a decades-old mak­er of gener­ics

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