UK biotech revives former Kyowa Kirin cancer drug for Epstein-Barr-driven diseases

Hor­net Ther­a­peu­tics is on a mis­sion to pre­vent and treat con­di­tions re­lat­ed to the Ep­stein-Barr virus (EBV) with the help of a drug can­di­date shelved by Ky­owa Kirin.

With $5 mil­lion in seed fund­ing from 4BIO Cap­i­tal, the UK biotech is ad­vanc­ing its lead as­set for EBV-dri­ven post-trans­plan­ta­tion lym­pho­pro­lif­er­a­tive dis­eases (PTLD). The con­di­tion de­vel­ops when lym­pho­cytes grow out of con­trol and can lead to lym­phoma.

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