UK medical research group reveals £100M rare diseases program; Allarity announces $11M offering

UK non-prof­it and med­ical re­search group LifeArc is look­ing to push fur­ther in­to rare dis­ease re­search, so it has cre­at­ed a “chal­lenge” to try and get things mov­ing — and in­vest £100 mil­lion in­to rare dis­ease work by 2030.

Dubbed the “Rare Dis­ease Trans­la­tion­al Chal­lenge,” the goal is to ac­cel­er­ate ear­ly-stage re­search, whether in di­ag­nos­tics, po­ten­tial treat­ments or re­pur­pos­ing ex­ist­ing drugs. The chal­lenge will al­so ex­am­ine ac­cess to clin­i­cal tri­als and time for rare dis­ease pa­tients to get an ac­cu­rate di­ag­no­sis, LifeArc added.

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