Unmasking Fake Acid: The Dangers of 25I-NBOMe Disguised as LSD | Psychedelic Spotlight

In recent times, a concerning trend has emerged in the world of recreational drug use – the proliferation of NBOMes, also known as “fake acid.” These synthetic compounds are frequently sold under the guise of genuine LSD, posing significant health risks to acid users, as they have been linked to numerous adverse effects, including hospitalizations and fatalities. In this article, we aim to shed light on the dangers of NBOMes, educate readers on how to identify fake acid, and emphasize the importance of informed choices when it comes to drug consumption.

What are NBOMes?

structure of 25I-NBOMe

Chemical structure of 25I-NBOMe, which is not similar to the structure of LSD. Source: Monographs

NBOMes are a family of compounds that belong to the 2C family of phenethylamines. They are extremely potent and selective for the 5-HT2A receptor. The most widespread form of NBOMes is 25I-NBOMe, also known as 2C-I-NBOMe or N-bombs. Ralf Heim discovered 25I-NBOMe in 2003 during his PhD dissertation when he was researching a pharmacological tool to study the 5-HT2A receptor. Renowned psychedelic researcher David Nichols later investigated the compound in rats and found that 25I-NBOMe was highly potent, comparable to LSD.

Why are NBOMes Used as an LSD Substitute?

LSD is a complex chemical to synthesize, requiring regulated chemicals and a deep understanding of organic chemistry. In contrast, NBOMes are easy and economical to produce. Additionally, due to their higher potency than LSD, sellers need to use smaller quantities, making NBOMes a more profitable drug to sell. This has led to NBOMes being used as an LSD substitute, thus branding them “fake acid,” and are often sold as LSD in blotters, gel tabs, or dropped on candy. The effects of NBOMes are also similar to LSD, further contributing to their popularity as a substitute, but they pose severe dangers.

Are NBOMEs Dangerous?

artistic depiction of someone being scaredby inner demons

Fake acid trips are notoriously more claustrophobic, violent, and scary compared to real LSD. Source: Grace Byron

NBOMes didn’t spread throughout the drug scene until 2010 when word of 25I-NBOMe began spreading in online forums. Since then, they have been known for their dangerous nature. Trip reports shared similarities with LSD, but many have described 25I-NBOMes trips as claustrophobic with a worse body load, with higher predisposition for bad trips. Not only that, but NBOMes carry a long, worrisome list of side effects.

Commonly observed adverse effects after NBOMe-ingestion include:

  • Confusion
  • Anxiety
  • Panic and fear
  • Agitation
  • Uncontrollable violent behavior
  • Seizures
  • Excited delirium
  • Tachychardia
  • Hypertension
  • Hyperthemia
  • Rhabdomyolysis
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Metabolic acidosis
  • Multiorgan failure
  • Death

NBOMes carry many side effects. This is why them being sold as LSD is so dangerous. LSD has been found to be non-toxic and medically safe at standard doses. When people ingest LSD, they expect to come out of it safe and unharmed, but with the proliferation of NBOMes, this may not always be the case.

Fatalities on NBOMes

depiction of death coming for someone

Fake acid can lead to adverse side effects or death. Source: Wikipedia

The first confirmed 25I-NBOMe fatality was documented in 2015. In this case study, a 15-year-old male ingested 25I-NBOMe and mushrooms. Shortly after, he began vomiting and seizing until he eventually passed out. Three days later, he died of multi-system organ failure following cardiopulmonary arrest.

The same year, another article detailed another 25I-NBOMe death, along with a 25B-NBOMe death. A 16-year-old male consumed a drug spotted on a blotter while partying with friends. The next morning, he was found unresponsive and declared dead when paramedics arrived. The autopsy revealed multiple red contusions and bruises on his chest, arms, neck, knees, and shins. Sectioning of his lungs revealed severe and diffuse pulmonary edema, with mild cerebral edema also observed. Both cases involved destructive behavior in the victims, consistent with reports of agitated, violent behavior while on NBOMes.

Just how dangerous are these drugs? Well, here are multiple papers that have reported on their toxicity. 10 different papers that showcase the toxicity of NBOMes. On the other hand, there have not been fatalities associated directly with LSD.

Due to the number of people who experience negative side effects after accidentally taking NBOMe that they thought was LSD, acid has often been misattributed with these horror stories. NBOMes have been responsible at spreading fear about LSD, a safe drug in comparison, and in turn, have helped anti-drug propaganda campaigns use this to spread misinformation.

Suicidality on NBOMes

(Trigger warning: A suicide attempt is described in this case study)

NBOMes have been reported to induce psychosis-induced injuries from thrashing and self-harm, with some cases leading to suicide. These occurrences align with reports of agitation and violence caused by NBOMes. While some fatalities have resulted from direct intoxication due to NBOMes, others have been caused by suicide. In 2015, a case study was published about an 18-year-old male who attempted suicide after taking “2 hits of acid.” He had expressed an interest in trying LSD and asked a friend about it. The friend claimed to have “good LSD” and provided him with 2 blotters. An hour after ingestion, the teenager experienced euphoria, tachycardia, and hallucinations, but the intensity of the trip increased throughout the night, leaving him increasingly anxious and confused. Feeling “trapped” in the trip, he resorted to stab himself with a pair of scissors, believing suicide was the only way to end the experience. The patient had not experienced suicidal ideation in the past. Lab results later revealed that he had ingested 25I-NBOMe.

While LSD can sometimes induce anxiety and confusion, these feelings seem to be greatly amplified when under the influence of NBOMe, leading to panic and dangerous decision-making. This case underscores the importance of verifying the authenticity of LSD before consumption. Even though friends may have good intentions, it is always recommended for individuals to conduct their own research and testing before consuming any substance.

How to Tell if You Have Fake Acid

So, how can a person determine if their LSD is safe and not laced with NBOMes?


LSD Testing Kit | DanceSafe

Photo of an LSD testing kit sold by DanceSafe. Source: DanceSafe

The best way is by testing the drug for adulterants. Drug testing is an incredibly important part of recreational drug use that can prevent tragedy. It is a simple process, taking less than 10 minutes and costing around $20. Anyone considering taking LSD, even if they are experienced with it, should own an LSD testing kit. These kits are widely available, and they look for the indole group in the structure of LSD, which is lacking in NBOMe. However, it is essential to note that testing kits cannot distinguish between LSD and its derivatives. Therefore, LSD tabs should always be tested before consumption, even if they are purchased from a trusted source or someone who has sold real acid in the past. Drug supply chains can change, and the true source may become unknown. Taking LSD from strangers in public situations, such as at concerts or festivals, is discouraged since testing substances in these places is uncommon. Some festivals, especially common EDM ones, offer free, legal drug testing services at designated harm reduction tents. If someone plans to take LSD in a public place to enjoy the atmosphere, it is best to have it tested beforehand to avoid potential issues.


Another way to prevent taking NBOMe is by tasting the drug. Genuine LSD should be virtually tasteless, while NBOMes will taste bitter or metallic upon contact with the tongue and may leave a sensation of numbness. If the acid tabs taste bitter, it is essential to immediately spit them out. The popular saying goes, “if it’s bitter, it’s a spitter.” However, if the LSD was dropped onto bitter or sour candy, such as sour gummy candies, the taste test may not be effective as their taste can mask the bitterness.


Lastly, individuals should be cautious if their dealer’s product has unusually low potencies, around <100ug. NBOMe is active at much lower concentrations compared to LSD, so low doses should raise red flags. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that blotters are often inaccurately dosed, so one should approach even LSD dosage information with caution. The danger with NBOMe blotters lies in the existence of “hotspots,” where certain areas on a blotter may be more potent, leading to unevenly dosed sheets. As a result, one blotter may be underdosed, while another may contain a high enough dose to cause severe intoxication or overdose.

Read also: Comprehensive Guide to Safely Testing Psychedelics for Adulterants Using Testing Kits

Recreational Consumption of NBOMes

Despite the known dangers, some individuals still choose to take fake acid recreationally, often out of curiosity and even with an awareness of the risks. There are online trip reports on Reddit and other platforms where people willingly describe their experiences with 25I-NBOMe. However, this behavior is strongly discouraged as it is irresponsible and dangerous. Willingly consuming NBOMes jeopardizes one’s health and life for the sake of a trip. This kind of reckless drug use is immature and irresponsible. For those seeking psychedelic experiences, it is best to opt for safer alternatives such as magic mushrooms (shrooms) if a trusted LSD source cannot be found. Reports of adverse reactions, fatalities, and severe psychoses caused by irresponsible use of NBOMes not only harm the users but also tarnish the reputation of genuinely safe psychedelic substances like LSD. It is crucial to understand that much of the misinformation and fear surrounding LSD have been propagated due to misattributed experiences involving 25I-NBOMe, whether willingly or unwillingly.

The synthetic and chemical nature of LSD may raise concerns for some, but it has been proven to be relatively safe when consumed responsibly. The existing stigma against LSD in society and psychedelic spaces only deepens the divide between factual information and misleading narratives. It is essential to promote responsible drug use and to prioritize personal safety and well-being in any drug-related activities.


In summary, before partaking in an LSD trip, one should:

  1. Be responsible: Always test the drug using an LSD testing kit.
  2. Be aware: Genuine LSD blotters should be virtually tasteless, while NBOMes will taste bitter or metallic.
  3. Be informed: Understand how an LSD trip is supposed to feel versus an NBOMe trip.

The rise of “fake acid” containing 25I-NBOMe poses a serious threat to the well-being of those engaging in recreational drug use. It is essential for users to be informed and cautious about the substances they choose to ingest. When it comes to psychoactive substances, there are no guarantees of safety. If you suspect someone has ingested 25I-NBOMe or any other potentially harmful substance, seek medical attention immediately by dialing emergency services and informing them about the possible intoxication or overdose due to fake acid.

It is essential not to let the fear of admitting to illegal drug use prevent seeking medical help. Doctors are not legally allowed to report drug use to the police. Their priority is to provide assistance and care to those in need. Responsible drug use, accurate information, and harm reduction practices are vital to ensuring safer experiences for individuals who choose to explore altered states of consciousness through psychedelic substances.