Updated: Amgen spotlights new efficacy, safety data of mid-phase tarlatamab trial in hard-to-treat cancer: #ESMO23

MADRID — Am­gen’s Phase II tri­al of its bis­pe­cif­ic T cell en­gager tar­latam­ab showed a re­sponse rate of 40% of pa­tients with small cell lung can­cer at the drug’s low dose, ac­cord­ing to new re­search pub­lished Fri­day in the New Eng­land Jour­nal of Med­i­cine.

“One of the re­al chal­lenges with small cell lung can­cer is that even when it re­sponds, the dis­ease of­ten very quick­ly re­laps­es,” said David Reese, Am­gen’s ex­ec­u­tive vice pres­i­dent for R&D. “And when it re­laps­es, it can of­ten be quite ag­gres­sive.”

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