Updated: Bayer cuts PhII orphan drug as it ups R&D spending, questions swirl around new CEO’s next moves

Bay­er has shut­tered a Phase II pro­gram that the EMA had des­ig­nat­ed an or­phan drug “for sci­en­tif­ic rea­sons,” the Ger­man con­glom­er­ate dis­closed in its half-year re­port.

The cut comes as Bay­er re­ports phar­ma earn­ings that are be­low the pri­or year — de­spite “sta­ble sales” — due to “high­er R&D in­vest­ments in cell and gene ther­a­py and chemo­pro­teomics tech­nolo­gies, as well as in projects in ad­vanced clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment.”

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