Updated: Lilly’s revenues rise 28% in Q2 thanks to surge in demand for diabetes drug Mounjaro

Eli Lil­ly said its rev­enues in the sec­ond quar­ter jumped 28% year-over-year due to growth from its type 2 di­a­betes drug Moun­jaro, breast can­cer treat­ment Verzenio, re­cent­ly ex­pand­ed di­a­betes med­i­cine Jar­diance and the au­toim­mune bi­o­log­ic Taltz.

Moun­jaro reeled in about $980 mil­lion in the three-month stretch, the drug­mak­er said Tues­day morn­ing, com­ing in well above the Wall Street con­sen­sus of $740 mil­lion, TD Cowen an­a­lyst Steve Scala wrote in a note.

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