Updated: Merck commits up to $610M to buy out preclinical biotech and its neurodegenerative disease work

Mer­ck is snap­ping up a pri­vate biotech fo­cused on ge­net­i­cal­ly de­fined neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive dis­or­ders and rare dis­eases, promis­ing to pay $610 mil­lion if every­thing works out.

Car­away Ther­a­peu­tics, based in Cam­bridge, MA, is de­vel­op­ing a slate of pre­clin­i­cal small mol­e­cule ther­a­peu­tics “that boost cel­lu­lar clear­ance path­ways to re­store bal­ance” — with a fo­cus on purg­ing tox­ic pro­teins from cells, such as tau and al­pha-synu­cle­in.

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Vegan diet may slow aging

Vegan diets showed short-term benefits on epigenetic aging compared to omnivorous diets in healthy twins, with reduced epigenetic age metrics observed in the vegan group.

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