Updated: NJ court says drugmakers can coordinate their legal fight against the government’s price negotiations

Four ma­jor drug­mak­ers su­ing against the In­fla­tion Re­duc­tion Act will have their ar­gu­ments heard to­geth­er in court next month as part of a strat­e­gy le­gal ex­perts say could help bol­ster each oth­er’s cas­es.

De­spite op­po­si­tion from the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment, the com­pa­nies — Bris­tol My­ers Squibb, No­var­tis, No­vo Nordisk and J&J’s Janssen — con­vinced a fed­er­al judge in New Jer­sey to hear all of the cas­es over four hours on March 7, giv­en the “over­lap­ping na­ture” of their claims.

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