Updated: Sanofi’s $1.5B pact with Teva in IBD adds fuel to anti-TL1A race against Merck, Roivant and Pfizer

Sanofi wasn’t the on­ly par­ty in­ter­est­ed in Te­va’s an­ti-TL1A an­ti­body, but it emerged as the “per­fect part­ner” to se­cure a deal worth up to $1.5 bil­lion, ac­cord­ing to Te­va’s CEO Richard Fran­cis.

The Is­rael-based com­pa­ny is set to re­ceive €469 mil­lion ($500 mil­lion) up­front and up to €940 mil­lion ($1 bil­lion) in de­vel­op­ment and launch mile­stones, the com­pa­nies re­vealed ear­ly Wednes­day morn­ing.

In the an­ti-TL1A con­test, Roivant is al­ready in the mix when it teamed up with Pfiz­er for RVT-3101, as is Mer­ck, which bought Prometheus Bio­sciences in a deal worth $10.8 bil­lion for MK-7240.

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