Updated: Seagen deprioritizes antibody-drug candidate from $4.2B Merck deal

Seagen has de­pri­or­i­tized work on ladi­ratuzum­ab ve­dotin, the biotech qui­et­ly dis­closed in its sec­ond quar­ter fi­nan­cial re­port Wednes­day.

Seagen has been study­ing the drug in breast can­cer and oth­er sol­id tu­mors along­side Mer­ck’s block­buster check­point in­hibitor Keytru­da. In a deal worth up to $4.2 bil­lion, Mer­ck had paid $600 mil­lion up­front in 2020 for co-de­vel­op­ment and co-com­mer­cial­iza­tion rights for the an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate, known as LV for short, as well as oth­er po­ten­tial can­di­dates that shared the same tar­get.

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