Updated: US intelligence officials told Congress that WuXi transferred IP to Chinese authorities — report

WuXi AppTec re­port­ed­ly trans­ferred a US client’s in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty to Chi­nese au­thor­i­ties, Amer­i­can in­tel­li­gence of­fi­cials told Con­gress in Feb­ru­ary.

Ac­cord­ing to a Reuters re­port pub­lished Thurs­day morn­ing, of­fi­cials from mul­ti­ple US agen­cies briefed sen­a­tors in late Feb­ru­ary about the trans­fer that re­port­ed­ly oc­curred with­out con­sent. The of­fi­cials told the sen­a­tors they were con­cerned about WuXi AppTec and oth­er un­named Chi­nese com­pa­nies en­gag­ing in con­duct that ran against US in­ter­ests.

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