UPenn and Stanford analysis finds no secondary cancer cases directly due to CAR-T

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia’s pi­o­neer­ing cell ther­a­py physi­cian Carl June shared new da­ta Mon­day that showed the risk of sec­ondary can­cers fol­low­ing CAR-T ther­a­py was very low.

In over 1,500 pa­tients treat­ed at UPenn and Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty, on­ly a small per­cent­age had a sec­ond can­cer af­ter treat­ment, June re­port­ed Mon­day morn­ing at a Friends of Can­cer Re­search and Park­er In­sti­tute for Can­cer Im­munother­a­py joint event in Wash­ing­ton.

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