Upside for competitor manufacturers due to Novo-Catalent deal unlikely to be immediate, Samsung Bio exec says

Even if com­peti­tor man­u­fac­tur­ers at­tract the at­ten­tion of Catal­ent’s cus­tomers on the back of it be­ing ac­quired by No­vo Hold­ings, it will take time for ri­val com­pa­nies to see any no­table client gains, Sam­sung Bi­o­log­ics head of glob­al sales Kevin Sharp told End­points News.

Cus­tomers are un­like­ly to “im­me­di­ate­ly ex­it” their re­la­tion­ship with Catal­ent be­cause these com­pa­nies have ser­vice agree­ments to stick to, Sharp said. But this won’t stop Catal­ent’s ex­ist­ing clients from pos­si­bly search­ing for al­ter­na­tives, he not­ed.

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