UroGen nabs $120M to support potential 2024 NDA filing, launch of bladder cancer chemo gel

Uro­Gen Phar­ma’s hy­dro­gel for­mu­la­tion of a decades-old can­cer drug met the pri­ma­ry end­points in two Phase III tri­als of a sub­set of blad­der can­cer, the biotech said Thurs­day morn­ing.

The da­ta in­trigued in­vestors enough to back a $120 mil­lion pri­vate place­ment that will help bankroll a po­ten­tial NDA fil­ing in the sec­ond half of next year, as well as a po­ten­tial launch of the drug, CEO and pres­i­dent Liz Bar­rett told End­points News.

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