US government to acquire $138M worth of Tpoxx doses

Siga Tech­nolo­gies said Thurs­day that the US has or­dered $113 mil­lion of the com­pa­ny’s oral Tpoxx treat­ment cours­es and $25 mil­lion of the in­tra­venous ver­sion of the same drug.

Tpoxx, al­so known as tecovir­i­mat, is a small mol­e­cule used to treat small­pox. It was first ap­proved in 2018, and the IV ver­sion re­ceived FDA ap­proval last year. Siga plans to de­liv­er the oral dos­es with­in the year, and it ex­pects to start de­liv­er­ing the IV dos­es in 2024.

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