Valisure pressures FDA to recall acne treatments after finding carcinogen

The drug test­ing com­pa­ny Val­isure is back with an­oth­er cit­i­zen pe­ti­tion re­lat­ed to safe­ty con­cerns, this time re­quest­ing the FDA re­call ac­ne treat­ments that con­tain ben­zoyl per­ox­ide, af­ter da­ta found that the car­cino­gen known as ben­zene can form at high lev­els in the prod­ucts.

Ac­cord­ing to Val­isure, prod­ucts with ben­zoyl per­ox­ide can form at over 800 times the con­di­tion­al­ly re­strict­ed FDA con­cen­tra­tion lim­it of 2 parts per mil­lion for ben­zene, as well as leak in­to the air out­side of the con­tain­er.

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