Valneva tops up loan by $100M; Ipsen gets a voucher

Val­ne­va is ex­tend­ing an ex­ist­ing loan by an ad­di­tion­al $100 mil­lion in an­tic­i­pa­tion of com­mer­cial­iz­ing its chikun­gun­ya vac­cine if ap­proved lat­er this year and for fur­ther R&D.

The ex­ten­sion will be avail­able in two batch­es: the first $50 mil­lion is avail­able im­me­di­ate­ly, and the sec­ond half is ac­ces­si­ble un­til the end of the year, Val­ne­va said. The com­pa­ny al­ready has an ex­ist­ing $100 mil­lion fund man­aged by US health­care in­vest­ment firms Deer­field Man­age­ment and Or­biMed.

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