Vaxart reports mixed PhII data for norovirus vaccine; J&J to proceed with Cidara influenza deal 

Vaxart an­nounced on Wednes­day that a Phase II study of its oral norovirus vac­cine achieved the pri­ma­ry end­point of re­duc­ing the rate of in­fec­tion. The vac­cine is de­signed to go af­ter the norovirus GI.1 geno­type, which caus­es gas­troen­teri­tis.

How­ev­er, in the tri­al’s oth­er pri­ma­ry end­point, the vac­cine achieved a 21% re­duc­tion in norovirus acute gas­troen­teri­tis, which was not sta­tis­ti­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant against the place­bo. Vaxart is plan­ning to an­a­lyze the Phase II da­ta fur­ther. — Tyler Patchen

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