Vicore sells rights to IPF drug in Japan; Roche to lay off 340 workers; Sensorion’s €50M offering

Plus, news about Tenaya Ther­a­peu­tics, Ad­verum Biotech­nolo­gies, YS Bio­phar­ma, Evoke Phar­ma and BioX­cel Ther­a­peu­tics:

Nip­pon Shinyaku gets rights in Japan to IPF drug: The Japan­ese phar­ma com­pa­ny is pay­ing Vi­core Phar­ma $10 mil­lion up­front in a deal worth up to $275 mil­lion for Japan rights to C21, an an­giotensin II type 2 re­cep­tor ag­o­nist. Nip­pon Shinyaku is li­cens­ing the oral drug can­di­date for id­io­path­ic pul­monary fi­bro­sis, a chron­ic con­di­tion where the lungs be­come scarred and it’s hard for pa­tients to breathe. — Lei Lei Wu

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