ViiV grows HIV prevention campaign with new influencers, including actor Taye Diggs

Vi­iV Health­care is dou­bling down on the mes­sage that HIV pre­ven­tion in­volves every­one. Young or old, in­fect­ed or not — its “Me in You, You in Me” cam­paign cre­ates hon­est con­ver­sa­tions be­tween strangers to help spur more dis­cus­sion amongst all peo­ple.

The ef­fort launched last year with the premise that two peo­ple meet anony­mous­ly on the phone and then lat­er in per­son with Vi­iV film­ing the meet-and-greet. The new pairs for this year are ac­tor and au­thor Taye Dig­gs, who meets ac­tor and chore­o­g­ra­ph­er Nic­co An­nan; dancer and ac­tress Tinashe, who meets with rap­per and artist Vil­lano An­til­lano; and so­cial me­dia in­flu­encer and mod­el Nicky Cham­pa, who meets ac­tor Rafael De La Fuente.

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