ViiV’s long-acting Cabenuva beats out daily oral HIV treatments in PhIII

Vi­iV Health­care had al­ready shown that its long-act­ing in­jectable Cabe­nu­va was just as ef­fec­tive as dai­ly oral treat­ments as well as pre­ferred by pa­tients for its con­ve­nience — now the treat­ment has proven su­pe­ri­or to a dai­ly oral too, ac­cord­ing to an in­ter­im analy­sis of a Phase III study.

GSK’s Vi­iV said Wednes­day that in the LAT­I­TUDE study, Cabe­nu­va demon­strat­ed su­pe­ri­or ef­fi­ca­cy in main­tain­ing vi­ral load sup­pres­sion com­pared to a dai­ly oral ther­a­py when giv­en to pa­tients who have a his­to­ry of chal­lenges ad­her­ing to an­ti­retro­vi­ral treat­ments.

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