Viking’s GLP-1/GIP receptor agonist helped patients lose almost 15% of their body weight over 13 weeks

Viking Ther­a­peu­tics’ dual GLP-1/GIP re­cep­tor ag­o­nist for obe­si­ty showed off pos­i­tive topline da­ta from a Phase II study, with an­a­lysts de­scrib­ing the drug as a po­ten­tial com­peti­tor to Eli Lil­ly’s Zep­bound.

The biotech’s stock $VK­TX jumped more than 90% on Tues­day fol­low­ing the read­out, trad­ing at near­ly $74.

In the 176-pa­tient VEN­TURE tri­al, those tak­ing the GLP-1/GIP in­jec­tion, dubbed VK2735, once a week lost up to 14.7% of their mean body weight over 13 weeks (com­pared to just 1.7% on place­bo). The tri­al al­so hit its sec­ondary end­point, with up to 88% of pa­tients los­ing at least 10% of their weight com­pared with 4% on place­bo.

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