Virginia governor vetoes bill to create advisory board to reduce drug prices

Vir­ginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin ve­toed leg­is­la­tion late Mon­day that would have es­tab­lished an ad­vi­so­ry board to bet­ter man­age the state’s pre­scrip­tion drug costs. Oth­er states have launched such ad­vi­so­ry boards in re­cent months as part of grow­ing ef­forts to set ceil­ing prices for cer­tain high-cost treat­ments.

Youngkin said he ve­toed the bill be­cause the leg­is­la­tion didn’t take in­di­vid­ual pa­tients’ needs in­to con­sid­er­a­tion. The leg­is­la­tion would have al­lowed a Vir­ginia pre­scrip­tion drug ad­vi­so­ry board to place price caps on the state’s pay­ments to phar­ma com­pa­nies, al­low­ing for up to 12 caps per year be­tween 2025 and 2028.

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