Viridian targets Horizon’s Tepezza with chronic thyroid eye disease data, setting up the biotech for its second PhIII

Virid­i­an Ther­a­peu­tics said its IV-ad­min­is­tered an­ti­body led to clin­i­cal im­prove­ments in a small group of pa­tients with the chron­ic form of thy­roid eye dis­ease, as it looks to take on Hori­zon Ther­a­peu­tics’ Te­pez­za.

The Phase I/II re­sults give the Waltham, MA-based biotech con­fi­dence to be­gin its sec­ond Phase III tri­al of VRDN-001. With one late-stage study al­ready un­der­way in ac­tive TED, Virid­i­an will al­so run a Phase III in chron­ic TED so the two tri­als can serve as the back­bone of a sub­mis­sion to the FDA, Virid­i­an CEO Scott My­ers told End­points News.

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