Vyne aims to raise $88M; Sanofi invests in gene therapy company; 4DMT addresses clinical hold

Plus, news about Unit­ed Ther­a­peu­tics and Mod­er­na:

Im­muno-in­flam­ma­tion biotech’s $88M: Vyne Ther­a­peu­tics an­nounced an $88 mil­lion pri­vate place­ment to, in part, help fund a Phase Ia dose-es­ca­la­tion tri­al of its BD2-se­lec­tive BET in­hibitor, VYN202. The biotech is sell­ing more than 10 mil­lion shares at Fri­day’s clos­ing price of $2.24. Vyne al­so un­veiled pre­clin­i­cal da­ta from ro­dent mod­els of VYN202 in pso­ri­a­sis and arthri­tis, in­clud­ing re­duc­tions in key dis­ease bio­mark­ers. Its stock $VYNE was up about 27% on Mon­day morn­ing. — Ay­isha Shar­ma

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