Walgreens CEO Rosalind Brewer is leaving the pharmacy giant after 2.5 years

Ros­alind Brew­er is step­ping down from her post as Wal­greens CEO af­ter less than three years in the top job, the com­pa­ny said on Fri­day.

Brew­er joined the phar­ma­cy gi­ant in March 2021 af­ter serv­ing as Star­bucks’ chief op­er­at­ing of­fi­cer. She suc­ceed­ed long­time CEO Ste­fano Pessi­na, who cur­rent­ly serves as Wal­greens’ ex­ec­u­tive chair­man. As part of the de­par­ture, Brew­er is al­so step­ping down from Wal­greens’ board and will get $9 mil­lion in cash sev­er­ance. It’s a short tenure for an ex­ec­u­tive who over­saw the re­tail phar­ma­cy’s Covid-19 vac­cine roll­out and was tasked with keep­ing the busi­ness com­pet­i­tive with phar­ma­cy ri­vals like CVS Health and Wal­mart.

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