Want to make better pharma ads? Try using humor and more branding, Kantar analyst says

Phar­ma ad­ver­tis­ing hits the mark for news and rel­e­vance, but typ­i­cal­ly dis­ap­points when it comes to be­ing en­joy­able. That’s ac­cord­ing to Kan­tar an­a­lyst Pol­ly Wyn Jones who re­cent­ly did a deep dive re­port on the cat­e­go­ry af­ter it moved up to be­come now the sec­ond-largest ad spend­ing cat­e­go­ry.

Phar­ma jumped ahead of tech brands, and al­though it still spends less than con­sumer pack­aged goods, the cat­e­go­ry spent an all-time high of $18 bil­lion on ad­ver­tis­ing in 2023, ac­cord­ing to Kan­tar’s for­mer ad track­ing unit Vivvix now owned by Me­di­aRadar.

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