WCLC roundup: AstraZeneca, Amgen, J&J and Hutchmed tout new combination or confirmatory data

The World Con­gress on Lung Can­cer took place this year from Sept. 9-12 in Sin­ga­pore. End­points News bought you break­ing cov­er­age of key da­ta re­leas­es at the event, from a first glimpse at the ac­tiv­i­ty of nov­el TROP2-di­rect­ed can­di­dates to add-ons to tried and test­ed treat­ments in lung can­cer. Now, we’ve round­ed up a quar­tet of ear­ly-to-mid-stage and con­fir­ma­to­ry re­sults al­so pre­sent­ed at the WCLC.

Endpoints News

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