Wet AMD biotech stock soars over 200% as lead asset matches Regeneron’s Eylea in PhII test

Eye­Point Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals’ wet age-re­lat­ed mac­u­lar de­gen­er­a­tion (AMD) ther­a­py has demon­strat­ed non-in­fe­ri­or­i­ty to Re­gen­eron’s Eylea, even with a less fre­quent dos­ing reg­i­men in a mid-stage study, prompt­ing its share price to rock­et by more than 200% on Mon­day morn­ing.

The biotech’s share price $EYPT now sits at around $20, up from $6.61 at pre­vi­ous close. Pa­tients with wet AMD in the 56-week Phase II DAVIO 2 tri­al re­ceived a sin­gle in­jec­tion of ei­ther 2 mg or 3 mg of EYP-1901, or bi-month­ly in­jec­tions of Eylea. The tri­al en­rolled a to­tal of 160 sub­jects who were pre­vi­ous­ly dosed with at least two stan­dard of care an­ti-VEGF in­jec­tions in six months pri­or to screen­ing.

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