WHO secures three licensing deals to boost Covid vaccine and assay product options

The World Health Or­ga­ni­za­tion has se­cured li­cens­ing agree­ments with Medi­gen Vac­cine Bi­o­log­ics, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Chile and the Span­ish Na­tion­al Re­search Coun­cil (CSIC) to in­crease the num­ber of Covid-19 vac­cine and as­say prod­uct op­tions for world­wide use. The li­cens­ing agree­ments fall un­der WHO’s Covid-19 Tech­nol­o­gy Ac­cess Pool (C-TAP).

Medi­gen is the first pri­vate man­u­fac­tur­er, as well as the first vac­cine mak­er, to en­ter an agree­ment with C-TAP. The Tai­wan-based biotech is li­cens­ing its Covid-19 vac­cine, MVC COVID-19, and pro­vid­ing staff train­ing to man­u­fac­tur­ers. The pro­tein sub­unit vac­cine, which has emer­gency use au­tho­riza­tion in Tai­wan, has had three mil­lion dos­es ad­min­is­tered in sev­en coun­tries, ac­cord­ing to a WHO press re­lease.

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