Why a pair of health tech startups just merged their referral and specialty care businesses

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Re­fer­ral man­age­ment start­up Aris­taMD and vir­tu­al care start­up Sit­ka have merged un­der Aris­taMD’s name to ex­pand spe­cial­ty care ser­vices.

The new com­pa­ny will be un­der Aris­taMD’s name and has raised $16.5 mil­lion in Se­ries C fund­ing from undis­closed in­vestors, the com­pa­nies said on Tues­day. Aris­taMD man­ages elec­tron­ic re­fer­rals to spe­cial­ists, while Sit­ka helps pri­ma­ry care providers keep pa­tients in their clin­ics by pro­vid­ing vir­tu­al con­sul­ta­tions with spe­cial­ists. The merg­er com­bines Aris­taMD’s re­fer­ral ser­vices with Sit­ka’s net­work of spe­cial­ists across dif­fer­ent states.

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