Why Andreessen Horowitz’s Julie Yoo sees AI as a ‘leapfrog opportunity’ for healthcare

The Sil­i­con Val­ley ven­ture firm An­dreessen Horowitz in re­cent years has been in­vest­ing heav­i­ly in health­care and biotech, guid­ed by its well-known mantra that “soft­ware will eat the world.”

The in­vest­ing team, which has $35 bil­lion un­der man­age­ment, in 2019 charged gen­er­al part­ner Julie Yoo to ap­ply the the­sis to the doc­tor’s of­fice and see if soft­ware could eat care de­liv­ery, too. Be­fore her time in VC, Yoo co-found­ed Kyru­us, an en­ter­prise soft­ware com­pa­ny for health sys­tems.

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