Why Lenz picked a reverse merger instead of an IPO: Q&A

Fol­low­ing Lenz Ther­a­peu­tics’ de­but on the Nas­daq Fri­day, End­points News spoke with CEO Eef Schim­melpen­nink about the think­ing be­hind choos­ing a re­verse merg­er over an IPO and its up­com­ing Phase 3 re­sults.

In the next few weeks, Lenz is ex­pect­ed to re­port da­ta from Phase 3 stud­ies of its eye drops LNZ100 and LNZ101. It then plans to pick the bet­ter of the two to sub­mit for ap­proval as it plans to go up against Ab­b­Vie’s Vuity and Ora­sis Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals’ Qlosi, which was ap­proved last Oc­to­ber.

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