With IPO money, Neumora eyes deals as CEO brings M&A chops from roles at AbbVie, JP Morgan

Neumo­ra Ther­a­peu­tics, a brain dis­ease biotech born out of stitch­ing to­geth­er mul­ti­ple neu­ro­science star­tups, is look­ing to repli­cate its orig­i­nal play­book by com­ple­ment­ing its sev­en-drug pipeline with ex­ter­nal as­sets thanks to a Sep­tem­ber IPO and $520 mil­lion bal­ance sheet.

The drug­mak­er al­ready has its hands full with a trio of Phase III stud­ies in ma­jor de­pres­sive dis­or­der; mul­ti­ple clin­i­cal tri­als be­ing pre­pared for bipo­lar de­pres­sion, schiz­o­phre­nia and Alzheimer’s dis­ease ag­i­ta­tion next year; and an IND planned in ALS in the back half of 2024. But with run­way in­to 2026, Neumo­ra sees room for more.

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