WuXi Biologics pauses Massachusetts build; Novo Holdings nabs majority stake in pharma tools firm  

Wel­come to End­points News’ man­u­fac­tur­ing briefs, where we bring you es­sen­tial news on new builds, col­lab­o­ra­tions, re­calls and more.

WuXi Bi­o­log­ics has “tem­porar­i­ly paused” the con­struc­tion of its new fa­cil­i­ty in Worces­ter, MA, as the com­pa­ny “re­views de­signs in or­der to op­ti­mize space uti­liza­tion,” a spokesper­son told End­points in an email. The spokesper­son did not pro­vide de­tails as to when the con­struc­tion would con­tin­ue or if build time­lines would be af­fect­ed.

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