Zealand touts safety of new ‘double-G’ drug despite modest weight loss in small trial

Zealand Phar­ma ap­pears to have tak­en a small step for­ward with a can­di­date that tar­gets both GLP-1 and GLP-2, an ap­proach that aims to ease side ef­fects seen in many obe­si­ty drugs.

In the in­ves­ti­ga­tor-led, 54-sub­ject DREAM tri­al, dapiglu­tide de­liv­ered a low 2.9% weight loss change from base­line in the 4 mg dose (p=0.483), but the 6 mg dose of­fered a rel­a­tive­ly high­er 4.3% change (p=0.077) com­pared with place­bo (2.2%) at 12 weeks, the Dan­ish biotech said Thurs­day.

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