Zentalis shakes up PhIII plans in ovarian cancer; Halozyme’s deal with Acumen; Korro’s $117M private placement

Zen­tal­is Phar­ma shakes up plans for Phase III in ovar­i­an can­cer: Zen­tal­is an­nounced Mon­day that it is no longer plan­ning to test its lead can­di­date, azenosert­ib, in com­bi­na­tion with chemother­a­py in sec­ond-line plat­inum-sen­si­tive ovar­i­an can­cer (PSOC) pa­tients. The Phase III study was ex­pect­ed to start in the first quar­ter of next year. In­stead, the com­pa­ny plans to test the wee1 in­hibitor as a first-line main­te­nance treat­ment for PSOC, push­ing back the time­line for be­gin­ning a Phase III tri­al in­to 2025. Zen­tal­is al­so shared up­dat­ed re­sults from a Phase I study in plat­inum-re­sis­tant ovar­i­an can­cer. The biotech is cur­rent­ly run­ning a Phase II tri­al for which it plans to share topline da­ta in 2025. Zen­tal­is {ZNTL} shares fell over 20% af­ter mar­kets opened Mon­day. — Lei Lei Wu

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